TPG International Health Academy

About The Academy

TPG International Health Academy (TPG-IHA) hosts Educational Summits around the world for US healthcare executives. The specific countries are chosen based on their unique perspective on a particular area in healthcare and allow participants the opportunity to expand their knowledge and meet with fellow colleagues from the U.S. while exploring another country’s health system.

Each program highlights how other countries’ healthcare systems function and allows for the development of innovative solutions to share with your organization.

Program Features:

  • A delegation comprised of influential leaders from leading US healthcare organizations
  • Presentations from the host country’s government officials, medical professionals and university/research personnel which provide insights on key healthcare and business topics
  • Interactive and engaging environment lends itself to learning and networking
  • Visits to local facilities to see first-hand how the country’s healthcare system function
  • Cultural excursions around host city and country

TPG-IHA Difference:

  • Small, intimate group allows for maximum dialogue and interaction between delegates and speakers
  • Week-long format ensures you develop a relationship with your peers in the delegation
  • Educational and cultural components provide both professional information and unique life experiences
Years in Business
Countries Studied
Academy Alumni
0 +

Join TPG-IHA on an Educational Summit as a Delegate and gain the opportunity to network directly with high-level executives in the healthcare space. As part of the delegation you will enjoy the experience of participating in an exciting new culture while learning important lessons on how various countries operate their healthcare systems.

Being a Patron on one of TPG-IHA’s Educational Summits will afford your company the opportunity to keep abreast of global healthcare challenges, position executive leadership on the cutting edge of international healthcare issues, and gain access to an open forum which allows for networking with targeted senior leadership of US healthcare organizations. ​

Become a partner association and help develop future educational summits. Enjoy benefits reserved for your membership including discounted tuition, input on future countries to study, and more!​


Join the Academy on an Educational Summit as we study healthcare around the world. People across the globe are facing similar healthcare issues and there is much we all can learn from each other. On our international programs, we explore topics such as:

  • How each country has dealt with the unique challenges presented by the Coronavirus pandemic
    Healthcare policy and financing – what role does “the money” play in healthcare?
  • Actual healthcare delivery, hospital, clinic, and other facility visits
  • Healthcare technology, electronic medical records, and other innovations
  • Pharmaceuticals – application, payment, coverage, and manufacturing
Days Until The Next Summit
Paris, France 2024 Offical Photo

Paris, France

October 5-10 2024
TPG-IHA traveling to Paris to study the French healthcare system. You can review the executive summary from the Educational Summit by clicking the link below.


Havana, Cuba

March 1-7, 2025
Uncover how a focus on early intervention, health education, and community-driven initiatives has led to impressive health outcomes and a population that thrives on well-being with very limited resources.

Barcelona, Spain

September 6-11, 2025
The Academy, partnering with ACAP, will travel to Barcelona in September 2025 to study the Spanish healthcare system. Contact TPG-IHA staff if you are interested in this program.